jueves, 9 de junio de 2011

Build your faith in God's word

Build your faith in God's word.
my name is brother john and i will like you to see with me in the scripture today,the words of power ,the quality of life you live is dependent on how much of God's word you feed on? there are two spirtual realms of life and death existing side by side and everyone is in either one of them.everyone who is borin into this world is born into the realm of death (separation from God) and in that realm,there is sickiness,sin,poverty and every kind of evil. then,there is a realm of life,where God operates and in this realm everything is good.

the bible says God -hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear son (colossians 1;13)the word translated also means transterred.when you were born again, you were transterred instantly from the realm of death into the realm of life and that's where you live now.in the opening scripture,jesus said he who hears my word and believes him who sent me,has eternal life, he does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life he didn't say, he shall pass from death to life.

john said the same thing, we konw that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren (1john3,14)as long as you're born again,you're not about to be transferred to the realm of life,you're there already.you may look the same physically as the man who is not saved, but you're funtioning in adifferent realm.when you realize that you've passed from death to life,life will take on a new meaning.in the realm of life,there is no sickness,no death,no poverty and any such evil thing.rather,there's prosperty,life and peace?everything that you lay your hands  upon prospers,and you're a victor everyday.
today i will like you to understand that this message did't come to you just like that, but for him that want you back,i will also like you to reply this message for there is more to study in the scripture.but befor that i will like you to prayer with me,in jesus names i heve been transferred from the realm of death into the realm of life.i function in the realm of life, where everything that concerns me is blessed.there is no death in anything that concerns me, for life is at work in me,in jesus names amen

Think you and may you be bless
brother john n.k