miércoles, 5 de septiembre de 2012

Recordatorio: Maricela Medrano te ha invitado a unirte a Facebook...

Maricela Medrano quiere ser tu amiga en Facebook. Aunque estés lejos de tu familia y amigos, con Facebook puedes seguir en contacto.
Otras personas han solicitado ser tu amigo(a) en Facebook. Acepta esta invitación para ver tus solicitudes de amistad anteriores.
Maricela Medrano
University of El Salvador
156 amigos · 3 notas
Aceptar invitación
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martes, 15 de mayo de 2012

Attention: Email Owner

Attention: Email Owner,

You have been selected by the UN for a Humanitarian Development Cash Grant
program to enhance and develop the standard of living geared towards poverty
eradication as targeted by the year 2020.You have been granted the sum of
$1,476,233.52 => One Million Four Hundred and Seventy-six Thousand Two
Hundred and Thirty-three Dollars and Fifty-two Cents, your grant pin#: UNF/
FBF-816-1119 G-900-94.

Contact payment officer for your funds.
Mr. David Gerardus.
1800 Massachusetts Avenue NW,
Suite 400, Washington,
DC 20036
SMS only: +16463978096
Email: ungrantuspay@kimo.com

SMS your grant pin #UNF/FBF-816-1119 G-900-94 to +16463978096 for activation.
You are to provide her your information below for claims.

1 Full Names:
2 Full Address:
3 Nationality:
4 Age:
5 Gender:
6 Occupation:
7 Cell Phone:
8 Present Country:
9 Alternate Email Address:

Juan Carlos
Chairman UNDP Grant Programs.

miércoles, 28 de marzo de 2012

Welcome to Live Health Club

Welcome to livehealthclub.com!

Thank you for joining our community.
Please keep this email for your records.
Your account information is as follows.

Email Address: jeffandrea_gir.tripleh@blogger.com
Password: amolavida

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P.S. Please do not forget your password. It has been encrypted in our database and we cannot retrieve it for you. If you forget your password you can request a new one. Thanks again for registering.