jueves, 20 de octubre de 2011

PLS: Find Your Claim Letter

We are pleased to inform you the winners of the MICROSOFT MEGA JACKPOT EMAIL LOTTO WINNINGS PROGRAMS held on 20th of October, 2011. The Mr. Bill Gate office has decided to you reward you this way and to improve Your financial status through this period of economy crisis across the Globe. Company Or your personal e-mail address, won in the second lottery category 002. You are hereby been approved for lump sums pay out of £80.000.00(British Pounds). In cash Credited and insured to file Reff: YM35447N/2010. And MICRO (LOTTERY) CHIP NO: 9465021, you are the second lucky winner of the total winners of 10. You all won £80.000.00 (British Pounds) each. Please do not reply to this email. Contact the Claim Agent Dr. Brains Smith Maxwell on (microaw@blumail.org) .

Dr. Brains Smith Maxwell
+4470359 41902
(Executive On line coordinator).
Microsoft Office

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